Fire at a Block of Flats

Hearing the News of a Fire in a Dagenham Tower Block is horrifying enough, but the fact that there was either no fire alarm or it was not working, is tragically negligent. If the building had a “stay put” policy then the policy failed immediately, maybe due to inadequate fire compartmentation, or because the cladding on the building was not suitable. Whatever the reason, a working Fire Alarm System could have made evacuation and resident’s safety a top priority and not something that is widely now being reported on as “inadequate”.

A lot of high rise buildings with certain types of cladding are having temporary Fire Alarm Systems installed, much like the Cygnus Wirefree System we are installation partners for. This acts as a temporary solution to having this cladding on the building until it can be removed; a way to alert residents immediately if a fire is detected near any of the cladding, allowing residents to evacuate safely before the fire has a chance to take a hold of the building.

If you are a management company or Landlord worried about your high rise building, please get in touch to explore having a temporary wirefree Fire Alarm system installed to keep your tenants safe.


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